Investment Strategies
Our clients can access a broad range of strategies across fixed income, multi-asset and equities with 80% of AXA IM CORE AUM classified article 8 or 9 under SFDR1. So whether looking for a fund or a bespoke solution, we have the expertise and experience to help meet our clients needs.
25+ years experience
Today, we draw on decades of asset management experience, backed by macroeconomic insights and in-depth company analysis, to help our clients reach their goals.
Broad range of strategies
Whether you're looking to generate income, preserve and grow capital, or offset the impact of inflation, we can help.
Fixed Income
Fixed income can potentially help preserve capital, generate regular income, and offset market fluctuations over time.
Backed by research
We look at macroeconomic trends and perform in-depth company credit analysis.
Investing responsibly
Our proprietary scoring system feeds ESG data directly into our portfolio management tool, which managers use daily.
Tailored to your needs
Put cash to work with short duration strategies, or trade more risk for higher returns. Whatever your needs, we can help.
100+ experts across 3 continents1
We've weathered economic cycles with our clients for 20+ years. In today's increasingly uncertain economic environment, our experts look further afield for diverse and versatile opportunities.
Equity2 investing offers the opportunity to share in the returns generated by companies around the world, whether they are established leaders or dynamic smaller companies.
We’re fundamental investors
Our equity teams are fundamental investors, meaning we undertake rigorous research to fully understand every company in which we invest. We offer investors access to complementary styles, from focused thematic portfolios to diversified factor strategies.
We're responsible investors
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors3 are fully integrated into our investment activities, from company research to portfolio construction and our ongoing commitment to active ownership.
With you every step of the way
We empower our clients by offering a range of strategies to suit different needs. This is backed by the latest investment insights from leading industry experts across markets and regions.
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Multi Asset
Diversify risks, target specific outcomes, and achieve long-term financial goals.
Navigate uncertainty
Multi-asset strategies can potentially help investors mitigate risk while capitalising on the opportunities that market volatility can present.
Invest easier
A multi-asset strategy can be a less complicated, time-consuming, and expensive way to diversify your portfolio.
Reach your goals
Multi-asset strategies can combine the best of multiple asset classes to potentially help investors reach their goals.
Putting sustainability at the heart of investment strategies
Our deep ESG analysis, commitment to active ownership, and product innovation can help clients respond to the new megatrends shaping markets.
Explore Responsible InvestingRisks
No assurance can be given that our strategies will be successful. Investors can lose some or all of their capital invested. Our strategies are subject to risks including, but not limited to: equity; emerging markets; global investments; investments in small and micro capitalisation universe; investments in specific sectors or asset classes specific risks, liquidity risk, credit risk, counterparty risk, legal risk, valuation risk, operational risk and risks related to the underlying assets.